Forget Everything You Think You Know About Yoga – Prasara Is A DynamicMethod Of Practice That Will Help You Move Better And Feel Better While Learning Fun And Interesting Ways To Move Your Body.
Prasara Is Different. Really.
It’s a well-established fact that practicing Yoga will help you increase flexibility and learn to relax, and various studies have shown it to correlate to just about any marker of good health you can think of. You know all this already, so I’m not going to go on about why you should practice yoga. However, I do want to tell you about what makes Prasara unique and what it can do for you.
The short story is that Prasara was created to develop Flow. We’ll talk more about this later, but the gist is that Flow is a quality of movement in which you can transition smoothly form one thing to another.
Flow is also a mental state sometimes referred to by athletes as “being in the zone.”
Actually, Flow is a lot of things, and that can make it difficult to describe – and even harder to learn. But it isn’t impossible, and we’ve been teaching it for years to our private clients, in live seminars and workshops, and though this course, the Prasara Primer.
The unique element of Prasara practice as opposed to most other styles of yoga is simply that traditional yoga is fixated on sitting in poses while Prasara shifts the emphasis to the transitions between poses. You’ll still use the same postures and positions, but we’ll also work on your ability to “flow” from one to the next so you can develop real agility, grace, power, and yes, Flow in everything you do.
Within your first month using the Prasara Primer, you’ll:
- Restore your self-confidence as you master increasingly challenging movements.
- Challenge your nervous system for increased movement efficiency.
- Boost power and mobility simultaneously.
- Play better at any sport with increased balance and spatial awareness.
- Neutralize pain from tight muscles and stiff joints.
- Minimize sidelining injuries and correct the imbalances that cause them.
- Develop true functional muscle without excess bulk.
- Tap into the unlimited creativity and spontaneity inside you.
- Practice anytime, anywhere – with no equipment and minimal space.
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