Thursday, 29 August 2013

Easy Diabetes Yoga

Beginners find it difficult to perform diabetes yoga, thus here we have provided certain easy to do yogas. Even though it is simple to perform, you can be able to enjoy the benefits.Ardha Sirsasana - Before going specifically for diabetes gland (pancreas), it is first start with “master gland” of the endocrine system, because it controls the functions of the other endocrine glands. Pituitary gland is as small as a size of pea and located at the base of the brain. To stimulate pituitary and normalize its function, Ardha Sirsasana is the simplified yoga pose.
Ardha Sarvangasana - The thyroid gland plays a vital role in controlling the body's metabolism (the chemical activity that occurs in cells, releasing energy from nutrients, or using energy to create other substances) and parathyroid for calcium balance in blood. To stimulate thyroid and normalizes its function, Ardha Sarvangasana is the simplified yoga pose.
Ardha Halasana - is half plough pose, considering to be the pose to reveal a hidden treasure. Regular practice of this yoga rejuvenates the entire abdominal organs; stomach, spleen, pancreas, intestine, liver and kidney. This pose is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes by normalizing the entire digestive system. Learn more about Ardha Halasana.
Ardha Paschimottanasana - stimulates liver, pancreas and other abdominal digestive organs. This pose is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes; additionally, effective for lowering blood cholesterol level and blood pressure. It activates the nervous system, calm mind and relieves stress. Learn more about Ardha Paschimottanasana.
Child's pose or Balasana - is relaxation yoga. It relaxes your entire physical and mental body. Help relieves stress-related conditions. Doing this asana, in-between different diabetes asana can improve overall benefits. Learn more about Child's pose.

Finish Yoga session with Savasana - Well-experienced Yoga Guru’s always end a yoga session with a very relaxing yoga pose called as “Savasana”, it helps to gain the most from the yoga poses you have just done. Furthermore, make you more relaxed, very simple asana but very difficult to attain perfection.

For maximizing the benefits along with these yoga's, you can practice chakra balancing to further fine tune your glandular systems performance.

How diabetes yoga asanas does help diabetes treatment?

Yoga poses helps to normalize (not reducing, which may lead to hypoglycemia) blood-sugar level by stimulating the internal organs responsible for the carbohydrate metabolism.

Some diabetes yoga poses are difficult to perform and need a master to guide, thus for beginners, we are simplified some of this diabetes yoga poses. Yoga for diabetes can stimulate endocrine glandular system and make to work its full efficiency to release hormones (chemical messengers) into the general circulation system. Endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and sex glands (ovaries and testes).

Start Yoga session with Warm-up - Most of the Yoga Masters insisted not to practice yoga poses straight away, instead they emphasized to do some warm-up exercises before yoga session.

3) Awareness Recedes to the State of Yoga*

Yoga or "Union" is attained by first training, balancing, and purifying each of the aspects of our being individually, and then systematically receding attention inward through those levels, expanding so as to experience the state of Union, Yoga, Samadhi, or Turiya.

"In" the World -- Not "of" the World

The Realized Yogi lives like a lotus flower. The lotus is both "in" the world, yet not "of" the world. It grows in the soil and water of the world, yet rises above it at the same time. It goes outward (Adhyasa), but is not blinded by Avidya or Ignorance of its true nature.

2) In Yoga Each Aspect is Trained

Yoga is complete unto itself. In Yoga, each level of our being is trained independently, while also being trained to flow together. The systematic processes deal one-by-one with our actions in the world, senses, body, breath, and and both the conscious and unconscious aspects of mind.

3 Stages of Awareness 1) Awareness Manifests Outward to the World

Yoga, Sankhya, Vedanta, and Tantra view the human as manifesting outward step-by-step, whereby the subtler consciousness projects evermore outward, and then gradually forgets those subtler levels. Genesis also explains this outward movement when seen through the eye of the Yogi or mystic. (Sankhya, Vedanta, Tantra, Adhyasa)

Purpose of Yoga

The goal of Yoga is Yoga itself, union itself, of the little self and the True Self, a process of awakening to the preexisting union that is called Yoga. Yoga has to do with the realization through direct experience of the center of consciousness, the preexisting union between Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, and Shiva and Shakti, or the realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakriti.